Observatory of Tourism in Barcelona: city and region
Statistical, knowledge and tourist intelligence platform of Destination Barcelona


  • Barcelona tourism activity report 2023

    Compendium of data on tourist activity in Destination Barcelona in 2023

  • Tourist’s profile and habits 2023

    Study on profile and habits of tourists during 2023

  • Job market and salaries of the tourist activity in Destination Barcelona 2022 https://www.observatoriturisme.barcelona/sites/default/files/2022_salaris_destacats_0.png
  • Monthly tourist profile

    Monthly results report on profile and habits of tourists in Destination Barcelona


OTB Live

10/02/2025 - 12:00h

The plane, the most used means of transportation to reach both the city and the region

The OTB presents the monthly report on the Profile and Habits of Tourists in Destination Barcelona

04/02/2025 - 12:00h

Most tourists in Destination Barcelona traveled for leisure purposes in December

The latest monthly tourism activity data in Destination Barcelona have been updated

28/01/2025 - 12:00h

Cultural, sporting, and professional events, driving tourist activity in February in Destination Barcelona

The OTB presents the monthly update on the Destination Barcelona tourism activity forecast report...

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Check the monitoring of tourism activity at Destination Barcelona
About us

The Observatori del Turisme a Barcelona: ciutat i regió (OTB) is the working platform for statistical information on tourism, knowledge and market intelligence in the city of Barcelona and the rest of Barcelona region.

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